Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Irregular verbs

Write the base form, the past and the past participle of the following verbs.










10.- PODER


12.- TRIAR

13.- VENIR




17.- FER



20.- BEURE



23.- CAURE





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past tense verbs

Choose the right option

Anny and Katty __________ to the cinema last weekend.
. go
. going
. went
. gone
The participants on the concert _________ fun and a good time.
. took
. danced
. enjoyed
. had
Gabo _________ One Hundred Years of Solitude.
. write
. wrote
. writes
. written
Our English teacher ________ us a new topic about grammar last Friday.
. taught
. teaches
. teaching
. teached
My father always ________ the plants in the garden when he lived in the farm.
. water
. grow
. waters
. grew
Many girls at school ________ hot dog during the party they had to celebrate thier birthday.
. cooked
. ate
. bought
. brought
Paco and Kamo _________ to a new house yesterday.
. moved
. bought
. went
. saw
My best friend ___________ a new F1 car last Sunday.
. drives
. bought
. drove
. tried
Pasta was _________ by chinesse.
. created
. invented
. sent
. designed
Brothers Wright ________ the first plane.
. flied
. flew
. flown
. flies

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Modals verbs

Choose the right answer!

We ____ watch TV so much.
. mustn't
. might not
. shouldn't
You failed in your final test. You ____ have studied harder.

. must
. have to
. should
Muneera ____ come to the party, but nobody is sure.
. might
. may
. should
____ I borrow your pen?
. may
. shall
. could
I have no time. I ____ leave now. My parents are waiting for me.
. must
. have to
. could
If I had enough money, I ____ travel with my friends but now I can't.

. can
. could
. may
We ____ not climb those mountains when we were kids.
. couldn't
. can
. could
You ____ run faster if you weren't so lazy.
. can
. could
. must
It ____ rain in the desert sometimes, but you can't depend on it.

. can
. might
. should
I wish I ____ buy a new car but i do not have any money.
. can
. have to
. could

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Frequency Adverbs

Choose the right optionA

Gulshan and I _____ eat lunch together. (40%)
. usually
. occasionally
. never
_____ I bring my umbrella, but today I forgot it. (95%)
. Usually
. Sometimes
. Never
I _____ walk to work. (80%)

. often
. seldom
. always
I am _____ happy when you call me on the telephone. (100%)
. always
. usually
. seldom
My dad _____ exercises. (10%)
. rarely
. frequently
. sometimes
I ______ early on Saturdays.
. get up usually
. usually get up
. get usually up
She ______ late for work.
. is never
. never is
Peter _____ work so late.
. doesn't usually
. usually doesn't
. doesn't never
______ for work?
. Often you travel
. Often do you travel
. Do you often travel
When _____ your homework?
. do you usually do
. usually do you do
. usually you do

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Do the test!

Choose the letter that best completes the sentence.

Mary Tyler Moore__________for the company since 1987.
. work
. works
. to work
. working
John Doe__________the man who delivered the goods.
. are
. were
. is
. no
Poverty rates in Latin America__________ increasing after the depression.
. are
. was
. is
. no
Because of its high levels of pollution, Santiago __________becoming one of the worst cities in the world.
. are
. was
. is
. no
Her English __________ improved a lot in the last three months.
. has
. is
. been
. have
I__________seen that movie before.
. has
. is
. been
. have
The meeting that everybody was__________ at the conference ended ten minutes ago.
. expected
. expectation
. expecting
. expectating
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the famous composer, __________more than 600 pieces during his time.
. write
. written
. writing
. wrote
The very scared girl__________ her mother when the phone rang.
. was calling
. calling
. to call
. or call
I was __________to make new friends at the conference.
. starting
. started
. star
The supplies__________ already arrived when you came.
. have
. had
. having
. haved
She was very specific when she said that she had __________the truth.
. tell
. telling
. told
. to telling
The athletes __________do well at the Olympics, I'm sure about that.
. willing
. will
. are
. did
__________ marry that girl?
. are you will
. do you will
. will begin
. will you
I'm still not sure about what I__________ do during summer.
. am going to
. are going to
. is going to
. will going to
I and the rest of the class __________ go to the beach next Monday.
. am going to
. are going to
. is going to
. will going to
This exact tirne next year I__________ traveling to the Bahamas.
. will am
. will is
. will are
. will be
Please call me tomorrow about that problem, I will__________ working on the

project by then.

. or
. be
. maybe
. probably
By the year 2054, I__________ married already.
. will are
. will have
. should have
. having
People say that all pollution will__________by the year 2034.
. have ended
. are ended
. is ended
. are ended

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Present Simple/ Present Continuous

Use present simple or continuous

1.- Today Ann a black dress

2.- Now he is playing football but he usually basketball

3.- At the moment we (drink) a juice

4.- They (not go) to the trip

5.- I am playing but she (not play)

6.- (he plan) a party?

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Means of Transport

Translate into English the following words

1.- cotxe

2.- camió

3.- avió

4.- autobús

5.- vaixell

6.- metro

7.- helicòpter

8.- bicicleta

9.- moto

10.- cavall

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There is/There are


There's or there are

Complete these sentences. Use there's or there are.

1.- some apples.

2.- a CD.

3.- some wood.

4.- some rice.

5.- some sandwiches.

6.- some water.

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Watch this video and get ready to answer the questions below!

Who is Paula Dean? What does she do?
What happened to her?
What do you think the controversy is?
What is she going to advertise?
What is she doing to change her lifestyle?
Is obesity a problem in America?
Who is José Andrés?
Put the blame on someone_________________
Endorse ____________

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day History

What Are the Traditions of St. Patrick's Day?

There are many traditions and symbols associated with St. Patrick's Day and Ireland. You should choose only one correct option. Are you ready?

On Saint Patrick's Day, people usually wear
. green costumes
. blue costumes
. red costumes
Saint Patrick's Day is also known as
. Paddy's Day
. Green's Day
. Dublin's Day
The traditional icon of the day is
. the beer
. the shamrock
. the green hat
Leprechaun means
. happy man
. little boy
. old man
Saint Patrick's Day is a
. cultural holiday
. British holiday
. religious holiday
The first Saint's Patrick Festival was held in
. 1996
. 1994
. 1998
Ireland is often called
. the Emerald Isle
. the Green Isle
. the Small Isle

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Years ago when I was younger
I kinda’ liked a girl I knew.
She was mine, and we were sweethearts,
That was then, but then it’s true
I’m in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
‘Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;
I’m already cursed
Every day we started fighting,
Every night we fell in love.
No one else could make me sadder,
But no one else could lift me high above
I don’t know what I was doing
But suddenly we fell apart.
Nowadays I cannot find her.
But when I do we’ll get a brand new start
I’m in love with a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;
I’m already cursed
She’s a fairytale
Even though it hurts.
Cause I don’t care if I lose my mind;
I’m already cursed




Saturday, February 18, 2012

2nd Term Compositions-2nd Batxillerat

2nd Batxillerat

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Relative Clauses

2 Combine each pair of sentences with a defining or non-defining relative clause. 
Add commas where necessary. (4 points each = 20 points)
1.     You should come over tomorrow. I’ll have more time
to help you then.
2.     Here is a photo of my home. I have lived there my whole life.
3.    This is the professor. His course is the most interesting I have ever studied.
4.    Robert is going to Italy. His friend has lived there for several years.
5.    Mary is listening to music. It was written by Mozart. 

Sing along!!!!!


Sam (Chord Overstreet)
I wanna be a billionaire so freakin bad
buy all of the things I never had
I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine
Smilin next to Oprah and the Queen

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
Yeah, a different city every night oh
I swear the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire

Yeah I would have a show like Oprah
I would be the host of, everyday Christmas
Give Artie a wish list
I'd probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt
And adopt a bunch of babies that ain't never had it
Give away a few Mercedes like here lady have this
And last but not least grant somebody their last wish
Its been a couple months since I've single so
You can call me Artie Claus minus the Ho Ho
Get it, hehe, I'd probably visit where Katrina hit
and damn sure do a lot more than FEMA did
Yeah can't forget about me stupid
Everywhere I go Imma have my own theme music

Oh every time I close my eyes
I see my name in shining lights
A different city every night oh I
I swear the world better prepare
for when I'm a billionaire
oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a Billionaire
oh oooh oh oooh for when I'm a Billionaire

I'll be playing basketball with the President
dunking on his delegates
then I'll compliment him on his political etiquette
Toss a couple milli in the air just for the heck of it
but keep the fives, twentys, tens and bens completely separate
and yeah I'll be in a whole new tax bracket
we in recession but let me take a crack at it
I'll probably take whatevers left and just split it up
So everybody that I love can have a couple bucks
And not a single tummy around me would know what hungry was
eating good sleeping anekatips soundly
I know we all have a similar dream
go in your pocket pull out your wallet
and put it in the air and sing

Listen to Pau Gasol in English!!!


1. How many times has Pau won the NBA Championship?
2. What was Pau's parents hobby?
3. How tall is he?
4. When did he get drafted?
5. Which things have Barcelona and Los Angeles in common?
6. Where does Pau's grandma live?
7. Pau is thinking about_____________________
8. What do you think a GREEN CARD is?
9. When does Pau train?
10. When did he stop growing? What did he look like as a teenager?
11. Define the expression "You get picked on".


A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Simple, Future Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous. (3 points each = 30 points)
1. It was midnight. I .......................... (read) for over
four hours. No wonder I was feeling tired.
2. I .......................... (save) for my trip for two years.
I can’t wait to leave.
3. .......................... we .......................... (study) all
the grammar in the syllabus by the end of the year?
4. I was late for the lesson. The teacher
.......................... (give) the test when I got to
5. He had to postpone his trip because he
.......................... (not save) enough money.
6. By the time you receive this letter, I
.......................... (return) home.
7. I .......................... (not drive) for long when I ran
out of petrol.
8. .......................... she always ..........................
(live) in this neighbourhood?
9. I .......................... (not eat) since the morning.
I am starving.
10. She doesn’t deserve a holiday. She
................….. (not work) hard recently.

Monday, February 13, 2012

1st of Batxillerat listening activity

Answer the following questions:

1.When did she win an Oscar?
2.How long did she cry when she got the Oscar?
3.How long did her speech last at the Ceremony?
4.Insecurity comes with________________
5.How many movies does she make a year now?
6.Who is Stephen Frears?
7.How many languages does she speak?
8.What kind of music does she like singing?
9.Is she engaged?
10.They show a clip of _____________